Заметки алкоголика и придурка
16. Marts 2020
It has its reasons that the left ideology largely uses female or maternal mindsets and emotional appeals to win votes. I think politics have much to do with primeval instincts and hormones. Traditional societies attempted to control or at least canalize these chaotic life forces. Today these forces are running loose everywhere. That's the western "freedom" they always talk of.
Welp, no vienas puses man liekas, ka panika vēl ar vien ir pārspīlēta. Runāju par versijām kā tagad ņemt un apstādināt visu civilizāciju dēļ nedaudz modificētas gripas uzliesmojuma. Ko pēc tam? Saucam talkā Trako Maksi?
No otras puses man patīk kaviārsociālistu pārvaldītās Zviedrijas reakcija. Ne tikai :everythingisfine.jpg:, bet vēl aktīva datu slēpšanas, lai bez .jpg nekā citā neviens arī nevarētu uzzināt par situāciju valstī. XD
(ciešā paralēlē ar analogu situāciju UK pedobandu epidēmijas kontekstā - ja mēs neziņojam par problēmu, tad problēmas nav lol)
še svensonu arhiepidemologs:
Anders Tegnell now states that it is no longer meaningful to try to prevent the spread of infection from other countries by closing borders, which Norway and Denmark, among others, do.
- "We have to remember that this is nothing we should do today or tomorrow. This is something that we are very likely to continue for months to come. Then we must have something that is sustainable, we can not just say that everything should be closed for several months", he says in P1 Morning.
When the host objectes that it is obviously possible to do so in other countries, Tegnell responds:
- "But it won't work. You can't have a country closed for months."
Beisiklī Rindras tip loģika. Nu jā, tagad davai panikojam tikai, nedod Markss, darīt kaut ko loģisku un racionālu, ja tas nesakrīt ari politkorektumu.