Заметки алкоголика и придурка

27. Novembris 2019

10:53 - Gog & Magog

Mūsdienu politika, kultūra u.c. lietas pereniālisma skatījumā
Higher orders of reality normally project themselves onto lower planes of being by means of polarity: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” [Genesis 1:1]; on the level of human life, this metaphysical principle manifests as sexual reproduction: “male and female created He them” [Genesis 5:2].. However, in the concluding phases of a particular cycle of manifestation, the meaning of polarity is inverted. Polarity becomes polarization. The weakening of the bond of communication between earthly human realities and their celestial archetypes results in various bifurcations based not on fertile polarity, but on the barren conflict which becomes inevitable when various contingent conditions falsely arrogate to themselves the prerogatives of the Absolute—a necessary result of the fact that the collective intuition of God, the only real and transcendent Absolute, is eclipsed. At the same time a collective obsession is born to annihilate all polarities, to achieve something like an earthly, material counterfeit of the Unity of God by eroding, denying, suppressing, and finally destroying all the true and necessary distinctions that make human life possible, including gender. The more radical and conflictive the false polarizations operating in the latter days become, the more insistent is the call to do away with all distinctions so as to pacify these titanic conflicts—yet the denial of all sexual, cultural, ethnic and religious distinctions only further inflames and infuriates those forces which would falsely absolutize these distinctions, and set them at war. Thus an unholy alliance of false polarity and (in Guénon’s phrase) inverted hierarchy—the “Right”—and false unity and equality—the “Left”—brings the cycle of manifestation to a close.
Principle against the worship of the Earth—the Great Goddess. Plato. In his Republic, analyzed the descending course of the present cycle of manifestation as a descent of political power down the ladder of the castes, from the Spiritual Intellectuals to the Warriors to the Plutocrats to the Demos, a course which has expressed itself in Western Civilization as the devolution of authority from the Popes and the Holy Roman Emperors to the national Kings and Nobles, from the Kings to the Bourgeoisie, and from the Bourgeoisie to the Proletariat. And in our own time we have seen a further devolution of authority, from the “solid” working class to (in some cases) the lumpen proletariat, as represented by such political figures as Arnold Schwartzneggar, and ultimately to the non-human world, to a mythologized “Earth-based” regime where animal and plant species are seen as “constituencies” and individual animals almost as citizens, leading to the denial of the centrality of the Human Form as the “axial” being for this planet: in Christian terms the bearer of the imago Dei; in Islamic terms, the holder of what the Qur’an calls the amana, the Trust. Under such a regime, the human race becomes no more than a pariah, an unbalanced and degenerate animal species guilty of environmental genocide. This is precisely what René Guénon saw, and predicted, for the end of the present cycle-of-manifestation in The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times: the short-lived triumph of the Substantial Pole—the Feminine Principle or materia—over the Essential Pole—the Masculine Principle or forma, resulting in the suppression of all formal distinctions in the “unity” of the Abyss.


13:35 - Ukuckistan

Outrage as town proposes selling its Magna Carta for £20m to fund office refurbishments


Gribētu redzēt MRI skanu smadzenēm tajā brīdī, kad tās domā kā latviešu pašsaglabāšanās un pašnoteikšanās griba ir kārtējais 'nacisms' paralēli ar domu, ka ļaunie antiliberālie pūķinisti andermaino Eiropas demokrātiju or smth. Latviešu 'nacisms' it kā ir drauds tiem nabaga pūķinistiem (Latvijas krievi negrasās asimilēties un ir lojāli pret savu etnisko in-grupu - tie, kas domā, ka viņi uztraucās par savu 'nacismu' dzīvo pasakā), kas ir ļauni, bet pūķinisti arī ir ļauni un arī nacisti. Tad ko? Būt atvērtam, antinazi liberālim ir ceļš uz asimilāciju un palikšanu par svešinieku savā valstī, kā tas jau notiek Rietumos. Uz diversity re-education camp visus, i krīvus i latvjus! Kur Soross ar saviem labdarīgajiem triljoniem, kad viņu vajag.


Ja atmiņa neviļ, R.Dzintars savā laikā tika pieķerts "brāļojamies" ar Lindermanu. Sanāk, ka viņš kaut kāds kriptonacbols+antifa varētu būt. Vispār jāsāk uzmanīgāk skatīties kas ar ko brāļojas un par to modri ziņot. Naciķiem gan nepadodas visa tā pasīvi agresīvā šeimošanas spēle. "Pēci, atkal pinies ar to Bērziņu zeņķi?!" Sarkanie šito izkopuši instinkta līmenī. Guilt by association kā čarakterasasinācijas un izslēgšanas taktika.
Problēma ir, ka viņi taisnojas. Kļūda. Tramps perfekti parāda kā jāspēlē šī spēle. Ignorēt vai izsmiet.


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