Заметки алкоголика и придурка

7. Oktobris 2019


Keivs pilnībā pārgājis uz kaut kādu spoken word īdēšānu. Lasīju viņam dēls kaut kad nesen nomiris. Laikam tāpēc. Spēj vien raudāt iekšas laukā.

18:35 - gaļīgi

Kamēr Rietumcucki aicina pievērsties tārpu ēšanai un kanibālismam (jo vegānisms viars nav gana ekstrēmi), lai glābtu Gaiju, tikmēr ķīnieši, kā parasti, negivo faku un savās smoga ieskautajās megafermās producē cūkas mutantus.


Statistics Sweden's new report: One in four women dare not leave their home
Published October 6, 2019 at 8:13 pm

DOMESTIC. In Statistics Sweden's new survey of reduced violence, 15.3 per cent of the male population say that they refrained from going out in the evening because of concerns about being assaulted or threatened. Among women, the proportion is almost 25 percent, and seems to be increasing, even though the current government promised in the election to end all violence against women.

The deadly violence is increasing in Sweden and the country no longer lives up to the goals of the UN's goal of reducing all forms of violence, a report from Statistics Sweden reports.

Men aged 20–29 years are most at risk of being threatened by violence or violence in public places. Women, on the other hand, are more prone to sexual offenses and assaults than men.

- "In recent years, the deadly violence against men has increased alot. The deadly violence against women is on the same level as before. Nothing happens, says Sara Frankl, an expert at Statistics Sweden", in a press release.

Jāpasauc Sandra Veinberga, lai pastāsta, kā viss kārtībā un tie ir putinbotu meli vai, ka pie vainas balto vīriešu patriarhāts.

22:57 - oy gevalt!

atkal tie raitving mediji cenšas kurināt starprasu naidu naidu

23:23 - viva la snackbar

It turns out that the French government and the higher ups at the police actively pushed the "work place tragedy" narrative to cover up that they knew that it was likely a terror attack motivated by islam.
Apparently they feared that this would further alienate the police force and also cast a bad light on an immigration debate in the parliament on Monday.

The guy had raised several red flags so far, including justifying the Charlie Hebdo attacks, but was allowed to keep his security clearance, which gave him access to secret material concerning terror suspects and terrorists including those who participated in the Charlie Hebdo attacks. He also had access to private information, including home addresses of police officers, which is an especially sensitive issue for the French police, because three years ago, two police officers had been killed in their own home by an islamist.

It's reported that several police officers were urged by their bosses to not talk about islamist related suspicions, but refused to do so.

Nez kas šeit ir smieklīgāks. Auklēšanās ap diversity hire tik augstā un security sensitive līmenī "lai tikai mūs nesauktu par -istiem un -fobiem", kas beigās maksāja kārtējās dzīvības vai fakts, ka viens dindu akbars spēja kazuāli nodurt 4 mentus, kas parāda cik bezjēdzīgas ir rietumu mentūras. Good riddance. Jo vairāk snakbāru Rietumu mentūrās u.c. iestādēs, jo labāk.
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