Заметки алкоголика и придурка

9. Septembris 2019



"You don't need laws when you control the culture. 1984 was scary not because people were compelled to follow orders under duress, but because they were actually made to believe."

Ja nemaldos, padomju savienībā praktiski nebija likumu vai citu normatīvu aktu, kas būtu uzskatāmi par 'totalitāriem'. Ārēji ļoti demokrātiska valsts. Cilvēki vienkārši darīja.

18:17 - par naidu

sasodītais naids bļe

21:32 - tu ņirgājies par naida upuriem

Stāstiņš tāds. Melnais bļūzmenis, kurš brīvajā laikā dara labas lietas sniedzot reālu ieguldījumu reālu raitwing radikāļu vešanā pie prāta, uzzinājis, ka patiesībā pats ir "baltais supremacists", jo bariņam sliktu nepatīk dialogs un runas brīvība. The more you know blues. Tagad viņam būs vēl viens darbiņš - deradikalizēt aņķifakus. :|


Un mazliet atgirežoties pie
"Lūk, apgalvojumu, ka vides aktīvistiem esot kaut kāda mistiska (kreisās?) politikas motivācija, arī pēdējā laikā pamanu arvien biežāk. Gribētos zināt, cik tas ir pamatoti."

In this respect, any movement toward a more just and civil society can now be considered a meaningful climate action. Securing fair elections is a climate action. Combatting extreme wealth inequality is a climate action. Shutting down the hate machines on social media is a climate action. Instituting humane immigration policy, advocating for racial and gender equality, promoting respect for laws and their enforcement, supporting a free and independent press, ridding the country of assault weapons—these are all meaningful climate actions.
Finally, overwhelming numbers of human beings, including millions of government-hating Americans, need to accept high taxes and severe curtailment of their familiar life styles without revolting. They must accept the reality of climate change and have faith in the extreme measures taken to combat it. They can’t dismiss news they dislike as fake. They have to set aside nationalism and class and racial resentments. They have to make sacrifices for distant threatened nations and distant future generations. They have to be permanently terrified by hotter summers and more frequent natural disasters, rather than just getting used to them. Every day, instead of thinking about breakfast, they have to think about death.


Cilvēks principā godīgi izklāsta, kā klimatkultisms ir svarīga daļa no kopējās "woke" sektas teoloģijas. Organiska sastāvdaļa, tā teikt.
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