Заметки алкоголика и придурка

4. Septembris 2019

11:37 - ausie time for idiocracy

profesionāļi, no kuru darba kvalitātes nereti atkarīgas cilvēku dzīvības, ja kas
feminizm lodžik


Savukārt akadēmiķi, kuri kritizē un atmasko kultūrmarksistu teorijas, uz kuru bāzes pamatā apakšā redzamās politikas un diskursi notiek, tiek progresīvo universitāšu sodīti (būs jādodas uz wrongthink reeducation camp). Atgādināšu, ka Bogosjans & Co bija iesnieguši parodijrakstus "gender studies" peer review žurnālos, lai apskatītos kas būs. Bija tas, ka raksti bez problēmām izgāja verifikāciju, jo kurš gan šajā laukā spēj atšķirt satīru no legit "pētījumiem". Protams, akadēmijas galvenais satraukums šajā sakarā nav viss attiecīgās nozares mācībspēku un peer review kvalitāte, bet negantnieki, kas atļaujās norādīt uz karaļa plikumiem.

13:48 - climatcult intensifies

The weird proposal in TV4: We could eat Human flesh to "save the climate"
Published September 4, 2019 at 9.53 am

DOMESTIC. Can you imagine becoming cannibal and eating other people to save the climate? That issue was seriously discussed in yesterday's After Five in TV4.
Anyone who watched TV4 After five on Tuesday may have been, to say the least, surprised. There, the idea was presented to start eating people.
The feature is about the fair "Gastro Summit - about the future of food" in Stockholm, where the behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund holds seminars on the possibility of eating human flesh - to "save the climate".
- "What makes most of us react instinctively with disgust when talking about eating human flesh to save the climate ?", wonders host Tilde de Paula.
Magnus Söderlund answers:
- "First of all, it is that this person who is to be eaten must be dead."
One problem could be that dead bodies overall are taboo. In addition, criticism arises against defiling a dead body. Another explanation, says Söderlund, is that many are "slightly conservative" when it comes to eating something they are not used to, ie other people.
The conclusion is that it can be difficult to get the Swedes to become cannibals for the sake of the climate. However, according to the researcher, it is important from a sustainability perspective to discuss different options for the future.

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