Заметки алкоголика и придурка

31. Augusts 2019


Esmu ievērojis, ka pat ne-sjw nosliecēti cilvēki sāk pārāk liberāli neimdropot jēdzienu 'nacisms'. Kāpēc tā? Jo radikāli komunisti to nepārtrauktiu bļaurē, lai apspiestu jebkādu debati par tēmām, kas viņiem ir dogmatiski nostiprināta/nav racionāli argumentējama.

Mana pozīcija par meždutraibālām attiecībām vienmēr bijusi transparenta un tie, kas reāli lasījuši manis teikto, nevis skatījušies caur sjw brillēm to zina. Tautām jādzīvo sevis kulturētajās vidēs un migrācija ir normāla, kamēr tā ir pragmatiska, pilda kādu necessity kā pieņēmējiem tā viesiem. Migrācija kā pašmērķis ir absurds, īpaši tādos masīvos mērogos, kā tas ir šobrīd Rietumos. Mēs redzam kādas attiecībās ir pat starp margināli atšķirīgām eiropas reģionālām ciltiņām, kas nevar sadalīt suverēnus, bet tajā pašā laikā Oficiozs sludina pilnīgu Eiropas saplūšanu ar pārējiem kontinentiem un how that's a good thing. Absurds.
Esmu at worst izolacionists un pat ne īpaši, jo varu perfekti sadzīvot ar etnisku sajaukšanos, ja tā ir beneficiāla ABIEM etnosiem. Sajaukšanās ar naidīgām un kulturāli neattīstītām/radikāli citādām ciltīm ir širminieku ideja, kuru bīda pliks ideoloģisms/ļaunprātība. Pie tam tā nekad nerealizēsies, jo agresīvākās ciltis apēdīs pasīvākās (tehnokrātisms un intelekts neglābs, Ctulhu - demogrāfija>all), un mēs labi zinām kura ir kura šajā vienādojumā.

Btw, nacionālisms, kā kaut kas slikts latviešu apziņā ieviesās kopš šeit sāka viestoties visādi jevrokomisāri no EDSO, kas īdēja par to kā mēs apspiežam nabaga krieviņu "minoritāti". Mēs esam spiesti dzīvot zemē, kur 50% populācijas nav no mūsu cilts, jo savā laikā EUveidīga savienība mūs ar varu "atšķaidīja", bet kaut kā kopš 90o beigām tas viss ir gandrīz aizmirsies, īpaši mileniāļu paaudzē.

10:11 - migrācija uzlabo ekonomiku

Hässleholm City has the same problem as Filipstad: "Impossible" get immigrants to work
Published August 30, 2019 at 1:18 pm

DOMESTIC. Even Skåne Hässleholm is now facing "system collapse" since the municipality has received many asylum immigrants.

Filipstad municipality is collapsing as a result of immigration. Low educated and illiterate lowers the municipality. Between 2006-2018, social contributions have gone from about 5 million to 30 million.

But similar is the situation in other municipalities.

Now, the municipality of Hässleholm in Skåne is suffering from the same problems as Filipstad. The treasure chest sinks - because of immigration.

According to Kristianstadsbladet, many new arrivals have low education. Social security contributions have increased from just over SEK 32 million in 2012 to SEK 54 million this year, and will continue to increase by six million per year for the next two years.

- "We have the same concerns. Right now we have 100 people at SFI (out of a total of around 400) who are illiterate and around 200 with very low education. In principle, it will be impossible to get them to work", says Lars Johnsson (M), chairman of the local council, to Kristianstadsbladet.

Of the "refugees" received by the municipality, 75-80 per cent is estimated to need support after the state-funded establishment period of two years. The municipality now demands SEK 100 million from the state.

Swedish Democrats Ulf Berggren is even worried about "system collapse", he says in the local newspaper. If the municipality is forced to raise the tax by SEK 2-3, the economic wheels will stop.

-"Who in their right mind hires people who can barely work a modern toilet?" he says.

Un vēl jāņem vērā, ka tie cilvēciņi drīkst pakāpeniski vilkt uz Zviedriju visu savu extended family, kas nereti skaitāma dučos. Good biz.


Un pat presoluvto JQ viens cits kekss apmēram pateica manas domas.

Basically that jews mostly never really assimilated into western society, they have always somehow represented an insular community that rabidly defended its own interests and advanced its own cause in detriment of everything and everyone else - often forming a 5th column within the state they inhabit in order to sabotage it and its native community in order to advance themselves.

That is no conspiracy theory or loony bin "nazi" talk, btw. Examples abound, from the marranos that lead to the Spanish inquisition being instated all the way to kwanzan jewish domination in the field of media and art(even though they are only a small percentage of the overall population they represent most of dominating sectors in movies and publishing for instance). Couple that with the fact there is real animosity distilled by many of them towards white christians and that is never discussed.

Conservative people like me have no ambition to kick them out, send them to concentration camps or whatever else. Yet we find ourselves in the ridiculous situation were you can't even comment the issue without becoming a target of PC. I understand them. We all do. I also want to advance the interests of my commnity and grassroots identitarian politics are all the rage nowadays, even among white people. But the fact that people can't openly discuss the issues regarding jews only make matters worse. They don't seem to understand that themselves. The word "nazi" is slowly losing all weight and meaning, being that is used in such gratuitous manner.


Radio dzirdēju Freža ierunātu džinglu par kaut kaut kādu jaunu raidījumu iekš SWH, kas nodarbosies ar Viltus Ziņu apkarošanu. Iekavās arī tiek pateikts, ka šo pārraidi sponsorē Latvijas valsts budžets. Kā jūs uz to skatās? Kāpēc Latvijas valstij pēkšņi ieinteresēja šī tēma tik ļoti, ka vajag taisīt pārraides masmedijos? Kad pēdējo reizi Valsts tā gribēja iekļūt Publikā? Kāpēc un ar kādu mandātu Latvijas valsts var uzņemties objektīva arbitra lomu, zinot tās neseno vēsturi? Jūs ticēsiet viltus ziņas detektoram, ko sponsorē Latvijas valsts?
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