Заметки алкоголика и придурка

21. Augusts 2019

22:06 - naming the gypsy

Political correctness never stops: Now even "Sinti" and "Roma" are forbidden words
Remember when we still just called them gypsies?
Then the new PC rule was to call them "Sinti" or "Roma" because those are the actual names of those peoples.
Now the German police is not allowed to use those terms anymore either because they are "discriminatory" (i.e. explicit).
Basically this is the latest effort to cover up immigrant crime, the massively disproportionate criminality of certain immigrant groups to be exact.
German source:

22:33 - swedenderp

"Over 120 bombings in Sweden just this year - an increase of 45 percent
But police say they have no good explanation for the increasing bombings, which are increasing for the third year in a row.

- "You can only really speculate on why at the moment, but we do have an increased problem with crime and exclusion in certain areas", says Petra Stenkula, investigative director at the Police Region South, to DN."

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22:51 - oy vey

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