Заметки алкоголика и придурка

28. Jūlijs 2019

17:11 - Veimāras Republika MK2

A couple of days ago German public TV made a program about what I repeatedly mentioned in the thread: The leftist establishment in Berlin considers the (African) drug dealers in a public park stakeholders who have the same right to be there as other groups (sunbathers, families, kids). The lesbian Green mayor confirmed that in an interview ("we don't want to drive out the drug dealers as a group"), and and another leftist, who is consulting the administration on park issues, explicitly claimed, that the majority of the neighborhood wants a drug dealer presence in the park. They interviewed an old hippie couple, who moved to the area 40 years ago for ideological reasons, but now feels threatened by African drug dealers trying to sell drugs to 14yo school kids in front of their store.
The police can't do anything, because the state government has set very high limits for the amount of drugs someone can carry until it's considered illegal dealing.
Not mentioned in the report was, that the city employs "park rangers", which are tasked with keeping the peace (not driving out dealers, just preventing them from fighting for the best spots or attacking random people), but apparently cooperate with the dealers (e.g. holding drugs for them) or deal themselves.


"White Cops arresting negro man for being racyst cause he preached against ''race'' of pisslam in Londonistan we are leaving in day and age of top Honk Comrade and (dis)United Cuckdom is officially pisslamic state like Saudi Barbaria."

taču ir cilvēki, kas domā, ka Borja Džonsons vai brexitlietas ir šī brīža lielākā UK problēma. XD

haha, paskat uz to mentu

"Progressive London whitey gives a thumbs up for justice while arresting the black man for holding a non-Islamic religion. The honk is not strong enough for this shit."

Tikmēr kaukādi pakiji kaukur reipgango kārtējo mazgadīgo un tāds pats progresīvs ments vai tiesnesis nemaz nedomā iejaukties, bet seko līdzi vai kāds par to pārāk daudz nelicencēti nerunā internetā. Patiesībā 1984 salīdzinājumā ar šo farsu ir 'more dignified'. Tur vismaz ir patiess totalitārs horōrs, kamēr šeit tik tiešām no cirka izbēguši klauni kaut kādā veidā tikuši pie grožiem un visi iezliekās, ka tas ir ok. Te tikai flāmengevērs ar izārstēt.
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