Заметки алкоголика и придурка

26. Maijs 2019

10:58 - attiecībā uz to Drunkera preslovuto citātu

"The notion of loving one's country is naturally alien to Junker, as he is from Luxembourg, which is not a country, but a banking centre."

Smieklīgi, lai gan godīgi sakot tieši tāds pats naids pret pašu nācijām šobrīd saskatāmas gandrīz visos Eiropas valstu līderos EU top funkcionāros. Izskatās, ka viņi visi ir banku un oligarhu pakalpiņi, kuros atmirdināta jebkāda lojalitāte pret cilvēkiem, kam viņiem pēc idejas jākalpo.


Viens no iemesliem kāpēc tomēr nobalsoju par NA, nevis JKP ir Kudora (kas, iespējam, ir kopumā ok džeks) idiotiskā, no meinstrīm medijiem kopīpastotā attieksme pret Ungāriju. Muh russia naratīvu dzenošs cuckservatīviķis. Beisiklī analogs RINO republicuckiem ASV.
The guy makes fucking sense. Deal with it.

“I’ll only believe that Mrs. Merkel is leaving when I see it“

The EU wants to be strong against Russia and China; it wants to act united. You, however, keep going your own way.

Orbán: “Let us look at the facts. The sanctions on Russia have led to growing trade between Germany and Russia. A Russian gas pipeline was even built leading to Germany. At the same time, Hungary’s exports to Russia decreased by 8 billion euros. From my perspective, it looks as if the big European countries have pushed us Central Europeans out of the trade and have taken our places. And all of this was then called sanctions. Something similar applies to China.”

loledit: "Can you pronounce the name Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer? Orbán: “No, that’s very challenging even for a Hungarian.”"


Friendly reminder that all forms of consumption taxes are actually "I hate poor people" taxes.

20:37 - swedening never ends

Šoreiz sex educashun. Eloju degradācija bildēs. Svarīga izglītojoša informācija bērniem as per soushulizm. Diegabiksis klusi piedrāza karogā.
Pat es sākumā negribēju ticēt, bet nekad nenovērtē zviedristānu par zemu: https://www.docdroid.net/geNs0LO/sex-och-trans-2015.pdf
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