Заметки алкоголика и придурка

11. Februāris 2019

22:40 - vēl viens kaut kā tā

The alien people are out there but that is unavoidable.

The issue is that there IS more than meets the eye in a lot of those things, which make modern scientists ignore certain observations or facts because they don't want to admit realities that are outside their materialistic credo, where as the it was aliens people may take notice of things historians would prefer to ignore but tend to inject their own garbage into it, because they don't know any better. So for them the pyramids were "machines" left by aliens. If aliens made them than those aliens were kinda shit since we could make something a lot better with our own supposedly "inferior" technology. I think belief in aliens is a form of modern superstition. It's like belief in ghosts in the age of science, technology having become its own form of magic in the mind of a lot of people.

So no, the pyramids were quite clearly made by human beings, and ancient human beings at that, for a civilization like our own wouldn't make something like that. But whoever made them, possessed means that were quite clearly superior to what the Egyptians had, and one would assume it would take some time for a culture to advance to the point of making something like that, yet, the pyramids are among the oldest relics of Egypt. Amazing how the Egyptians just came to the scene almost overnight creating monuments that defy what a bronze age culture ought to be capable of producing only to lose that advancement for the remaining of their entire history. Pushing the timeline back a few thousand years might solve that question, but historians can't do that because that would screw up their timeline completely.

Historians will say there is no evidence of an ancient advanced civilization that predates Sumeria, but that's where mythology comes in, since most cultures tell us of an ancient civilization that was wiped out by some kind of cataclysm, which reduced humanity in a state of infancy, as Plato says in his story of Atlantis. Now of course modern historians scoff at such things, because in their mind myths and legends aren't to be taken seriously.
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