Заметки алкоголика и придурка

13. Decembris 2018

01:59 - die-versity

Strazbūras akbars, kā ierasts, jau sen bija "uzraudzībā" kā potenciāls snackbārs, pieķerts nelegālā ieroču glabāšanā, iepriekš ticis tiesāts par neskaitāmām laupīšanām un zādzībām 3 dažādās Eiropas valstīs, tāpēc pats par sevi saprotams, staigāja uz brīvām kājām. Ļoti izdevīgi snackbārojies tieši pirms dzeltenvestu paredzētās akcijas pie eiroparlamenta ēkas, kur tagad totāls šmons un viss bloķēts priekš pilsoņu (((drošības))).

16:27 - swedening intensifies

The Environmental party wants to "relocate" Swedes who do not like multiculturalism in a new proposed law.

Published December 12, 2018 at 21.06
DOMESTIC. The environmental party in Eslöv proposes that Swedes who do not like multiculturalism should be helped to "be relocated" from their homes. The party also wants employees in the municipality who do not like multicultural culture to be fired from their jobs, reports the local newspaper.

The so-called "citizenship exchange program" proposed by the Environmental Party in Eslöv will "force-stimulate people who do not want to live in a multicultural municipality to be relocated to more suitable places".

-"There must be radical proposals to make a change in society. Basically, it's all about dealing with diversity and equal worth of everyone," says Lars Ahlfors, chairman of the Environmental Party in Eslöv, Lokaltidningen.

The party instead asks "when it became a right to be xenophobic," according to Ahlfors.

Furthermore, the Environmental Party proposes that employees within the municipality be obliged to "stand up for multiculturalism". Those who fail to do that can be kicked, writes Local newspaper.

-"The one who is not behind the" value base " should look for another employer," says Lars Ahlfors.

Henrik Månsson (S) is critical of the MP proposals, which he believes carry on a "totalitarian and antidemocratic mindset".

Lars Ahlfors (MP) emphasizes, however, that the proposals are quite serious, writes Lokaltidningen.

today, they backtrack like a pro since they got like tons of flak overnight:

The Environmental Party backs off on the criticized bill: "It was just a little fun"

haha lol
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