Заметки алкоголика и придурка

24. Novembris 2018

12:13 - un daudzi vēl ar vien nesaprot kāpēc normāli amerikāņi atbalsta Trampu

"U.S. District Judge (((Bernard Friedman))) said Congress lacked authority under the Commerce Clause to adopt the 1996 law, and that the power to outlaw female genital mutilation, or FGM, belonged to individual states.

“As despicable as this practice may be, it is essentially a criminal assault,” Friedman wrote. “(((FGM is not part of a larger market and it has no demonstrated effect on interstate commerce))). The Commerce Clause does not permit Congress to regulate a crime of this nature.” "

13:13 - cēloņi, kas liek visur redzēt autoritārismu, naciķus, Hitleru, sexizmu, rasizmu etc.

Cognitive biases may lead to more effective actions in a given context.[6] Furthermore, allowing cognitive biases enable faster decisions which can be desirable when timeliness is more valuable than accuracy, as illustrated in heuristics.[7] Other cognitive biases are a "by-product" of human processing limitations,[8]resulting from a lack of appropriate mental mechanisms (bounded rationality), or simply from a limited capacity for information processing.[9][10]

TLDR: dumb
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