Заметки алкоголика и придурка

13. Novembris 2018


The maddening thing is that supporters of this policy completely refuse to accept responsibility for these rapes and murders, as if there were a rape and murder quota and if these men they let into our country hadn't committed these crimes Germans would have committed them. No, all these victims are part of the horrible price we pay for our "openness", all of these girls would still be alive if we were EVUL NAZIS like the Hungarians.

Funkcionāriem, kas principiāli atsakās uzņemties atbildību par saviem darbiem, šo atbildību derētu piegādāt personīgi uz mājām.


Esmu ambivalents abortu jautājumos, bet zātaniskie aktīvisti kā parasti vai no ādas lien laukā, lai rastos dabiska vēlme viņu kōzi un viņus pašus apstrādāt ar sēru un uguni.

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