Заметки алкоголика и придурка

5. Oktobris 2018

15:04 - state of republicucks

The GOP is in total panic. They can't believe they might actually have to win this, and they are scrambling in disarray to find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I bet Flake is unable to sleep at night at the thought his party might gain a majority on the supreme court. All those years devoted to failure and in the end it might come to this, to victory and success. Wonder how many of them will commit suicide once Trump wins the mid terms. More power, more positions of authority. None of them signed up for this! What a rueful day for the Republicans, to see their commitment to losing every single battle to their opponents come to an end.


Interesanti kā kreisajiem ir indeve nepārtraukti izgudrot jaunus un jaunus jēdzienus vai pārdefinētus ierastus jēdzienus ar viņiem vien saprotamu jēgu, kas tiek agresīvi tiražēti, lai ar win by attrition iesēdinātu tos sabiedriskajā apziņā. Ar parastu, skaidru valodu nav iespējams nopulēt sūdu.


Visi konservatīvie afromerikāņi dēmōnkrātu acīs ir onkuļi tomi. Re pat tas popreperis Vests dabūja pa škirku no saviem handleriem par MAGA. "Slikts nēģeris, slikts! Vai tā mēs tevi audzinājām, nepateicīgais lopiņ?"
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