Заметки алкоголика и придурка

3. Augusts 2018


They won't die on it; they'll capture and hold that ground sooner rather than later. It wasn't a million years ago, in some alien and unimaginable world, when most normal people treated homosexuality with the same disgust nowadays reserved for paedophiles. It was a relatively short while ago, even to some extent in my own lifetime. Things which even 30 years ago were considered shocking and repulsive are now not merely tolerated but enthusiastically pursued and praised. There's no reason why the same thing won't happen with paedophilia. It isn't even anything new - when the cultural revolution was blazing on in the 70's, leftists were even more radical about this subject than they are now. In Britain there was a lobbyist group called the Paedophile Information Exchange, openly advocating child sex, and which had the support of people who would go on to be prominent Labour cabinet ministers. People also seem to forget that revered homosexual "rights" campaigner, Peter Tatchell, wrote letters to the Guardian as late as 1997 tacitly supporting the idea of adults having sex with children aged nine to thirteen. They pushed too far, and too fast, and so reined themselves in - but I think society is now sufficiently demoralised enough for them to have another go at it.

I've little doubt that they'll eventually be successful. In the decades to come I can imagine the "old-fashioned dinosaurs" that continue to denounce paedophilia, even those who were once modish leftists cheering on homosexuality and "transsexuals", being smeared as hateful irrelevant bigots.
I agree with you except for the fact that Pedophilia is a much harder sell than homosexuality. Consenting adults is one thing, having children involved is different.
Consent is a poison pill, they will argue that children can consent and you will have no good counter-argument. Limiting sexual taboos to just consent and then ensuring consent to every perversion imaginable has always been the progressive game plan.
I forgot about transgenderism being pushed on kids for a second. . . . my god what the fuck has this world gotten to?

Atcerējos kā labu laiku atpakaļ liberasti smīnīgi norādīja uz slippery slope kļūdu un vēl visādas smieklīgas karikatūras par tēmu rādīja. Bieži vien tā protams, ir slikta argumentācija un švaks prognozēšanas instrument, bet ne tad, kad pie varas progresīvie.


"He who controls the language controls the masses" - (((Saul Alinsky))).
What we are witnessing in Washington and across
the nation and world, as in Oceania, is the manipulation
of language in the service of a broader socio-political
agenda that is dependent on socio-psychological
engineering. And the movement’s cheerleaders aren’t
shy about saying so. “Words matter,” Liz Watson, a
senior adviser at the National Women’s Law Center,
said of Washington State’s code revisions (Reuters, Apr.
22). “This is an important step in changing hearts and
minds.” In other words, the goal wasn’t so much to
change the language to reflect contemporary customs,
but to customize the language to effect social change,
by redirecting the affections (heart) and thoughts
(minds) of the masses.

Ms. Watson eerily echoes O’Brien, a party
apparatchik from Orwell’s novel, who explains the
objective of Oceania’s linguistic program: “We convert
the [resister], we capture his inner mind, we reshape
him…. We bring him over to our side, not in
appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul…. It is
intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist
anywhere in the world, however secret or powerless it
may be. “
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