00:01 - cUcK absurdistāna
Residents who clubbed together to buy
their own 12-foot community paddling pool for young children are told to
remove it - so burglars don't drown
- Residents of a block in Strood, Kent, clubbed together to buy a paddling pool
- The 12ft pool, which cost £64, sits in a communal garden shared by the six flats
- Management told residents they have to empty and take down the pool daily
- Warned it could pose a health and safety risk to burglars who might walk in
'Menedžments' pārāk labi informēts par melno peldētprasmi.
Dažus mēnešus atpakaļ CNN u.c. mēdiju klauni visiem stāstīja kā "deep state" ir raitwingeru konspirācija,
tagad viņi izsaka aicinājumu deep steitam sacelties un taisīt puču. The insanity just goes deeper and deeper.
Kārtējā akbarista durstīšanās Vācijā.Mid-30s Iranian, supposedly dropped a backpack that started smoking. Bus-driver stopped the bus shortly before he was also attacked with a kitchen knife, he opened the doors in time for people to be able to get out, several people stabbed (12 slightly wounded, 2 heavily) but no confirmed deaths. Mani fascinē cik šie pēdējo gadu gadījumi ir totāli random. Nav nedz īsti smalki organizēta terorakta, nedz obligāti noziedzīgs nodoms kaut ko laupīt vai nogalēt kādu personīgi zināmu personu. Vienkārši random dvieļpauris, kas ne no šā ne tā uzbrūk līdzās esošajiem. Bez maz vai varētu padomāt, ka viņi ienīst lokālo populāciju un vēlētos to redzēt nokautu. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The people who are doing the most to serve Putin are those who constantly depict him as a powerful mastermind who omnipotently controls world events. If you ever talked to any of Putin's opponents in Russia, they will tell you this:
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/23/world/europe/russia-vladimir-putin-liberals.htmlOne thing I heard most frequently in Moscow from anti-Putin Russian liberals is that the toxic US discourse about Russia is uniting Russians behind Putin (as always happens). Also: the US media's depiction of Putin as an omnipotent mastermind has done the most for his image.
Tieši tāpēc Putins tik klusē un smīn. Amerikāņu un Eiropas retardētie konspiratardi veic darbu, ko citkārt viņam būtu jādara pašam.