Заметки алкоголика и придурка

2. Novembris 2017

06:28 - business as usual in cuckrope

''Council house 'bribes' for UK terror suspects: Returning ISIS fighters are to be offered taxpayer-funded homes and counselling to stop them carrying out attacks in Britain

Operation Constrain could allow fanatics to jump council house waiting lists
Up to 20,000 extremists previously investigated by MI5 will be targeted
The highly contentious nationwide programme is due to start next year''

Sekulārā humānisma kārtējais triumfs.

''This is interesting: "Reliable allies in the European Parliament(2014 – 2019)"(https://legacy.gscdn.nl/archives/images/soroskooptbrussel.pdf), a document allegedly prepared for the Soros Foundation by Kumquat Consult. It is a list of 226 MEPs friendly to the cause of "Open Society".

This mapping provides the Open Society European Policy Institute and the Open Society network intelligence on Members of the 8th European Parliament likely to support Open Society values during the 2014–2019 legislature. It spans 11 committees and 26 delegations, as well as the European Parliament’s highest decisionmaking bodies: 226 MEPs who are proven or likely Open Society allies. The presence of an MEP in this mapping indicates that they are likely to support Open Society’s work. They should be approached with an open mind: although they will most likely want to work on areas they’re already interested in, they could also welcome hearing about new issues. Beyond discussing individual topics, Open Society should seek to build lasting and trustworthy relationships with these European lawmakers.''

226! Faking 226 memberi (pimpji). Nē nē, Sorosam totāli nav nekāda ietekme uz politiku stulpā konspirācijteorija lelelelēē...

20:30 - no 10 gadus veca pētījuma

Diversitāte nav spēks.

Harvard political scientist Robert Putnam... has found that the greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings. The study, the largest ever on civic engagement in America, found that virtually all measures of civic health are lower in more diverse settings.

"It would be unfortunate if a politically correct progressivism were to deny the reality of the challenge to social solidarity posed by diversity," he writes in the new report.

Wolfe says what is unusual is that Putnam has published findings as a social scientist that are not the ones he would have wished for as a civic leader. There are plenty of social scientists, says Wolfe, who never produce research results at odds with their own worldview.

"The problem too often," says Wolfe, "is people are never uncomfortable about their findings."

20:32 - stereotipu konglomerāts

German intelligence cock-blocking the diversity again: Syrian refugee terrorist arrested before he could blow himself up
This was his plan: Build a bomb and then blow himself up in a large crowd of people to kill as many as possible in the name of Allah.

That would have been a great Christmas story but no goatfuckers keep using the internet to communicate their plans ignorantly assuming they are actually anonymous. There is no means of online communication which cannot be wiretapped by Western intelligence agencies. The moment Mohammedans understand this we will have a real problem.

German source: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/neue-details-zum-terrorverdaechtigen-yamen-a-15272951.html

Sausais atlikums: no krietni lielāka skaita ''bēgļu'' terorisma Eiropu šobrīd vis efektīvāk pasargā tas, ka potenciālie perpi ir ļoti low INT babaji.


Respondējot uz: ''Uz vecumu sāk arī rokas trīcēt, atmiņa klibot un tā tālāk. Vai maz kas notiek uz vecumu.''
Pieņēmums, ka cilvēki maina uzskatus par labu reliģijai tikai tad, kad rokas trīc un smiltis birst ir izplatīta ateistu karikatūra. Nu jā, baidās no nāves, psihe sajājas. BS.
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