Заметки алкоголика и придурка
22. Jūnijs 2017
16:22 - you CAN'T delete the truth
vot tā
There's also the fact that immigrants to America have always been Christian for the most part, so there has been a relatively high amount of social unity all things considered. Discord is almost always caused by ethnic tensions and cultural upheavals (1960's). Contrast with Sweden and western Europe in general, whose immigrants are for the most part Muslims from Africa and the Middle East. So, Europe has compounded the problem America has by not only importing overwhelming numbers of disparate ethnic groups, but a different religious group as well. Muslims are people with very different psychological temperaments, worldviews, and cultural values from Europeans, who are still for the most part Christian in their sensibilities; this will cause far more social disruption than mere racial conflict. There's also the issue of integration, which secular Europe just does not have the capacity to carry out. Up until the 70's, immigrants in America were pressured into conforming to the general culture, which many Americans are now realizing wasn't a bad idea after all. Europe, on the other hand, has no higher values other than "muh freedoms" to try and pressure immigrants to conform to. It's a complete free-for-all and the group with the most enthusiasm and spirit will gradually transform the native culture. It's analogous to the process with which Christianity transformed the Roman Empire.
Man šķiet eiropiešiem ir laiks sākt organizēt kaut ko līdzīgu Izraēlas mossadam, lai medītu un iznīcinātu šādus politiķus bez tiesas prāvām un liekas volokitas. Šie cilvēki vēlas genocīdu tieši tā pat vai pat vēl izteiktāk kā to savā laikā darīja PSRS. Laiks viņus iepazīstināt ar viņu pašu zālēm.
''EU wants to forcefully relocate entire Syrian (and other refugee people) villages to Eastern Europe and the Baltics
German (what a surprise?!?!) representative in the EU parliament Ska Keller said the following:
>In the debate about the European refugee policy, Ska Keller, calls
for the settlement of larger refugee groups in eastern Europe. The
measure could facilitate the integration of refugees. In a conversation
this tuesday, Ska Keller has proposed to send a whole Syrian village to
Latvia, for example. "The idea with the Syrian village is a possibility
that could be used, for example, if refugees do not want to go alone in a
country where there are no refugees." It turned out that people liked
to go where their people were already living, as this made integration
easier. "The option had to be discussed in spite of the resistance of
eastern european countries, if necessary we will force those countries".
"The refusal to accept refugees violates EU law", emphasized Keller.
The EU commission had recently launched a lawsuit against the Czech
Republic, Hungary and Poland for violating the EU treaty because they
refuse to accept migrants as decided by 2015.''