Picking up pieces of a broken heart -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Love letters never sent 001 - Intro [17 Dec 2011|01:53am]
I will write you here letters you will never receive. Because they contain what I feel, and what I feel is impolite because of gaps between us. Only strangers eyes will read them. But maybe a part of your soul will be able to feel then. We are all connected after all. Until then your mind must never understand. We're just friends in the real life. But in my heart there is much more. But you'll never know until you ask me. And if you don't, sooner or later you will find yourself together with somebody else.
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Known subject [17 Dec 2011|10:18pm]
Destiny lets us meet very often lately. I get used to her, get to know her better. I enjoy every opportunity to see her and her every smile to me. I wonder if there is any future behind this.
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[ viewing | December 17th, 2011 ]
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