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Arigato! [17 Jun 2010|01:02pm]
Iekš Outlook izveidoju mapi, kur likšu iekšā tās vēstules, kuru teksts ir vienīgi "Paldies!", ar kuriem parasti apstiprina to, ka informācija vai vēstule ir saņemta. Dikti žēl dzēst tās "paldies" vēstules - tāda nelaba sajūta rodas, bet atstāt ienākošajos kopā ar lietišķajām arī negribas, lai nejauc galvu.
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Conversations with God 007 [17 Jun 2010|05:50pm]
Flesh of the Savior... What does it mean, if we need to eat it and drink his blood in order to be saved? I can surely understand, that I need to crucify my flesh, which in todays language means, I must crucify the needs of my flesh. But the flesh of the savior....

Why did I ever need to create a flesh for my essence? That is the question.

The answer is: because there was no other way for me to become visible to you humans, which in turn was necessary to deliver my message to you - a knowledge of life. Flesh of a savior was something like a book, only much more complicated.

If I sent you only the book, it would had never been enough. So I sent flesh, so that it could approach you humans.

What do you usually do with a book? You read it. Sometimes you burn it, if you find it unacceptable.

What do you usually do with a flesh? You eat it. How many things you can do, if you find it unacceptable...

Consume the knowledge, that was brought to you by that flesh. That knowledge is just as essential to your life, as food and drink. Every day. And look for your favorite meal.
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