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Me as a bum [22 Jan 2006|12:38pm]
This morning I found out that somebody has thrown out to a trashcan oldskool photographies from 30'ies, 40'ies. I love history, archives, memory, life as such, so I couldn't leave it like this and went to take them out. Photos were not even packed - just thrown out as a pile, one photo was even left on the ground, very close to the door of my staircase. So it was one of my neighbours, who erased his, her or somebody's else history. Usually, if documents are to be destroyed, it is done by burning or shredding. The fact, that photos were just thrown out as a rubbish, made me think, it was done by somebody, who doesn't care. I ransacked trashcan and took out most photos. I was so fascinated, that not even a stench coming out of a trashcan or an infection risk could confuse me. There still was one thing, that would confuse me. I didn't want anybody see me ransacking in a trashcan, moreover - taking out photos. It is poking nose into somebodies private life after all. I hope nobody was looking out of the window that moment. Anyway. I took those photos.

Some photos were even from 20'ies. Quality of picture was amazing. So were the faces of people back then. I mostly kept pictures prior to 50'ies. All the rest not-so-impressive type of pictures will probably return to a trashcan. Still, I wonder, why were those pictures thrown out...
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