Picking up pieces of a broken heart -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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Guitarday [08 Jan 2006|01:46am]
The weekend. That means, I've got time to play guitar or do any other thing that I like without being disturbed. I spent entire saturday with a guitar. I even am tired. I close my eyes and I see six strings. And there is this strange chord, that cannot stop sounding in my mind: 244000. I don't know why do I like it. I think, it expresses the emotion, that I feel most of the time lately - I feel forgotten, lonely, deceived, tired, but still willing to live on and never give up, never be afraid, always ready for anything.
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Movies [08 Jan 2006|04:00pm]
Modern movies are nothing. Or at least I should read a review article, before I watch something.

I came to that conclusion, when I made an exception this weekend by watching two movies. First was The Cave. Movie was about the virus, which alters a human host to a monster. No need to describe anything else - it was just 1h30m of running, jumping, climbing and fighting. Then I thought, maybe I should watch something else for a change. I found Doom on my HDD. And guess what! Movie was about the virus, which alters the human host to a monster! No need to describe anything else - it was just 1h30m of running, jumping, climbing and fighting!
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Tiešām labs! :-D [08 Jan 2006|08:54pm]
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