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Zinātnes metaforas - II [8. Okt 2011|20:02]
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Ja sen gribēju pieminēt tādu kuriozu kā kvantu... semantika. Man zināmais vienīgais "kaut kas", kad kvantu piesaukšana tomēr nenozīmē pseidozinātni. Šķiet, ka autori apzinās, ka tā nav nekas vairāk kā metafora.

Izskaidrojums (tam, kā es to saprotu) ar elementāru piemēru - ja jūs dzirdat kādu sakām "Es rīt būšu Rīgā", tad šai frāzei trūkst konteksta. Rīga var nozīmēt pilsētu, bet tā var nozīmēt arī, teiksim, kuģi, vai restorānu ar šādu nosaukumu, tāpēc frāzei piemīt "nenoteiktība", kura būtu salīdzināma ar nenoteiktības principu kvantu mehānikā. Tikko kā konteksts kļūst skaidrs, tā frāze "kolapsē" uz vienu no šīm nozīmēm. Analoģija ar kvantu mehāniku ir acīmredzama - viļņu funkcijas kolapss. Autori atrod vēl arī citas sakritības. Tomēr būtu jāapzinās, ka šī, tāpat kā jebkura cita analoģijas, kurai pamatā nav kāda dziļāka līdzība starp struktūrām, nevar būt pilnīga.

Raksti par šo tēmu ir, piemēram: Quantum collapse in semantic space: interpreting natural language argumentation
No raksta abstrakta:
(1) Interpretation can be represented as collapse of meaning in a semantic space model.
(2) Semantic collapse, in turn, can be likened to the quantum collapse of superpositional states of word meaning.
(3) Non-trivial structural similarities with quantum collapse are discernible in matrix models of memory.
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Logic, logic, and logic [24. Jun 2011|21:39]

Funnily titled books and scientific papers. All from a single bibliography list. My (stupid) comments in italics.

* Proofs from the Book
and Evidence from the Journal

* Logic, logic, and logic
or I need someone to help me to come up with better book titles!

* In the Light of Logic
An account on how we confronted the Dark forces of Linear Algebra

* What's so special about Kruskal's theorem and the ordinal Gamma_0?
Yeah, what? I was assigned to write on this subject but could not come up with anything, will you help me?

* On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems I
or Modesty and cryptic titles for major results in mathematics

* The Reason's Proper Study
I have no idea what this one is about, but the title makes me want to read it

* On the infinite
below the absolute

* Vagueness: A Reader
No comments

* What evidence is there that 2^65536 is a natural number?
Another author who prefers to consult the readers

* On Godel sentences and what they say
and on Turing's words and what do they mean?

* Reason's Nearest Kin
Another one I'd like to read, judging by the name. As for the "Kin" - could it be madness?

* The varieties of arboreal experience
No comments

* The Liar Speaks the Truth
or Confessions of a member of George W. Bush's administration

* Review of Potter 2000
"The Goblet of Fire" wasn't the best one in the series, I guess
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