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Motte and Bailey 19. Jan 2015|12:25

Nezinu par postmornajiem filozofiem, bet Motte and Bailey teorija precīzi noapaļo dzīvē bieži redzētu argumentāciju, tādās jomās kā kristietība, "kompleksitātes teorija", feminisms...

Intriģējoša teksta piemērs:
Truth is centred on the form of scientific discourse and the institutions which produce it; it is subject to constant economic and political incitement. The problem is not changing people’s consciousnesses – or what’s in their heads – but the political, economic, institutional regime of the production of truth... (Foucault 1972)

Kur "patiesība" tiek definēta kā:
“Truth” is to be understood as a system of ordered procedures for the production, regulation, distribution, circulation and operation of statements.(Foucault 1972)

Find + replace rezultātā iegūstam patiesus apgalvojumus, kas kaut kā izskatās acīmredzami, nevis intriģējoši:
Truth A system of ordered procedures for the production etc. of statements is centred on the form of scientific discourse and the institutions which produce it; it is subject to constant economic and political incitement. The problem is not changing people’s consciousnesses – or what’s in their heads – but the political, economic, institutional regime of the production of truth system of ordered procedures for the production of statements.
A Motte and Bailey castle is a medieval system of defence in which a stone tower on a mound (the Motte) is surrounded by an area of pleasantly habitable land (the Bailey), which in turn is encompassed by some sort of a barrier, such as a ditch.
For my original purposes the desirable but only lightly defensible territory of the Motte and Bailey castle, that is to say, the Bailey, represents philosophical propositions with similar properties: desirable to their proponents but only lightly defensible. The Motte represents the defensible but undesired propositions to which one retreats when hard pressed.

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