making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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13. Dec 2014|23:52

Utilitārisma ētika, izrādās, ir statistiski saistīta ar noslieci uz psihopātiju:
In a paper just out yesterday, [we] present data that suggest that this decision alone needn’t really reflect a utilitarian psychology, but rather can reflect psychopathic and egoist tendencies. People have reported such an association with psychopathy before. We are thus adding to an existing literature

Principā jebkuram saprātīgam cilvēkam nepārsteidzošs secinājums, par kuru es varu tikai ļauni paķiķināt. Utilitārismam ir divas pilnīgi atšķirīgas sejas, gluži kā PSRS-stila komunismam: teorija un prakse.

Pats raksts:
• ‘Utilitarian’ judgments in moral dilemmas were associated with egocentric attitudes and less identification with humanity.
• They were also associated with lenient views about clear moral transgressions.
• ‘Utilitarian’ judgments were not associated with views expressing impartial altruist concern for others.
• This lack of association remained even when antisocial tendencies were controlled for.
• So-called ‘utilitarian’ judgments do not express impartial concern for the greater good.
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