making sense - 8. Septembris 2016 [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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8. Septembris 2016

[8. Sep 2016|20:53]
Think of people waiting in a long line that stretches up a hill. And at the top of that is the American dream. And the people waiting in line felt like they’d worked extremely hard, sacrificed a lot, tried their best, and were waiting for something they deserved. And this line is increasingly not moving, or moving more slowly [i.e., as the economy stalls].

Then they see people cutting ahead of them in line. Immigrants, blacks, women, refugees, public-sector workers. And even an oil-drenched brown pelican getting priority. In their view, people are cutting ahead unfairly. And then in this narrative, there is Barack Obama, to the side, the line supervisor who seems to be waving these people (and the pelican) ahead. So the government seemed to be on the side of the people who were cutting in line and pushing the people in line back.

Šis ir arī izskaidrojums tam, kā jūtas austrumeiropieši.

Ko lai saka - jebkura sistēma, kas balstās uz sapni, pārredzamā laika periodā sabrūk. Vajag sistēmas balstīt realitātē un ētikā, nevis naudas poda solījumos.
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