making sense - 25. Septembris 2011 [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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25. Septembris 2011

Random list [25. Sep 2011|12:48]
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My favorite philosophical films:
* Dogville (Justice vs. compassion)
* Groundhog's Day (What is the mening of living a good life? Is enlightment possible? I.e. issues related to reincarnation, but without mysticism)
* Being John Malkovitch (What could it be like to be inside the mind of an other?)
* Matrix (How real is reality?)
* Dead Poet Society (What to do with your life?)

(either don't like these as movies AS much as the previous ones, or the philosophical issue is not central / expressed strongly enough)
* A.I. and Blade Runner (What does it mean to be human?)
* Fight Club (True self vs. how society perceives you, and other issues as well)
* Avatar (Technological vs. natural society)
* Inception (Reality vs. what is constructed by the mind)
* von Trier's Idiots (Is normality overrated?)
* von Trier's Breaking the Waves and Dancer in the Dark (The limits of self-sacrifice)

EDIT: Totally forgot and very relevant: Bullets over Broadway (What is more valuable - an [ordinary] human life or a great work of art?). And other Woody Allen movies as well, boring as they are.
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