making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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7. Maijs 2017|02:41

Vēl arī, man šķiet ir ļoti liela atšķirība skatīties uz kāda pieredzi no malas un piedzīvot empātisku reakciju fully knowing that you are a separate entity vs simulēt šo pieredzi savās smadzenēs aktivizējot tos pašus pathways in the exact same patterns. Jo pēdejā gadījumā for all intents and purposes you are telling your brain that it is actually happening to you. Un tas var radīt visādas problēmas ar tavu autobiogrāfisko sense of self in the process of trying to make sense of your life experiences and generating expectations for the future; intrusive thoughts, intrusive memories, PTSD. Ja ir iespēja neirobežoti stimulēt savas smadzenes konkrētos veidos un pieredzēt extremely rewarding states, that can lead to addictions, escapism utt.

Par šo visu domājot man rodas tik liela pretestība, it is hard enough to deal with the brain as it is, and we haven't even fully understood how and why things go wrong and how to actually deal with being a conscious self-aware animal that is in so many ways removed from the environment and experiences that it is evolutionarily designed to have.
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