Keep the Aspidistra Flying - May 5th, 2011

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dangerous minds
zudusī LV
R. dienasgrāmata
R. autobiogrāfiskā romāna materiāli

May 5th, 2011

10:41 am
vakar pirmoreiz noklausījos Moriseja "Moonriver".
tagad saprotu, ko polkovniks rakstīja. tik skaisti, ka sirds lūst

__klik__[bet jāklausās vienam un tukšā vakarā]


02:13 pm
- I can't stand people, I hate them.
- Oh yeah?
- Do you hate them?
- No, but I seem to feel better when they're not around.

(2 have | so much to say)

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