Keep the Aspidistra Flying - July 9th, 2008

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dangerous minds
zudusī LV
R. dienasgrāmata
R. autobiogrāfiskā romāna materiāli

July 9th, 2008

02:20 pm

(so much to say)

04:36 pm

(so much to say)

04:38 pm - kas šorīt ciemojies Liepājā

vēl )

(5 have | so much to say)

05:07 pm

(2 have | so much to say)

05:30 pm

(so much to say)

05:44 pm
precīzi šodienai

(so much to say)

06:22 pm
we all deserve to die

(1 has | so much to say)

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