čīkstuļa pieraksti

vairāk jā nekā nē


mizantrops, bet patiesībā nemaz ne.
antropologs, bet vēl īsti ne.
nekas vēl īsti ne. es vēl mācos.


29. Maijs 2009


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"Few nation states have tumbled more precipitously into catastrophe than did Germany between 1914 and 1933. A prosperous, apparently stable and self-confident nation plunged into a world war and lost it, experienced the collapse of monarchic and then of democratic government, saw its economy ravaged by the worst inflation and the worst depression the world had ever seen, and succumbed to a vicious racist political movement which led the country down the path to dictatorship, world war and masss murder."
Richard Bessel

Ja to tā eleganti sasummē kopā.. baisma 20 gadu bilance.

18. Marts 2009

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"we came, we saw, we conquered. and then we built a massive cathedral so you wouldn't forget it."
viduslaiku vēstures pasniedzējs, runājot par kristiešu ekspansiju viduslaikos.

9. Jūnijs 2008


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noskatījos "the soviet story". tagad nebrīnos, kāpēc tāda ažiotāža. ir ļoti iedarbīga, teikšu godīgi. pat es sāku klaigāt par staļina glorifikāciju un slimo pasaules sabiedrību.
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