Monday, August 19th, 2013

Šodien uzzināju, ka Indija ir atzinusi vaļveidīgos par non-human persons un, balstoties uz to, noteikusi delfināriju utml. izklaižu aizliegumu.

India's Ministry of Environment and Forests has advised state governments to ban dolphinariums and other commercial entertainment that involves the capture and confinement of cetacean species such as orcas and bottlenose dolphins. In a statement, the government said research had clearly established cetaceans are highly intelligent and sensitive, and that dolphins "should be seen as 'non-human persons' and as such should have their own specific rights." [...] India is the fourth country in the world to ban the capture and import of cetaceans for the purpose of commercial entertainment - along with Costa Rica, Hungary, and Chile.
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