Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Hannah Arendt "Zur Person" Full Interview
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Monday, August 26th, 2013

"Moreover, since facts and events – the invariable outcome of men living and acting together – constitute the very texture of the political realm, it is, of course,factual truth that we are most concerned with here. Dominion (to speak Hobbes’ language) when it attacks rational truth oversteps, as it were, its domain, while it gives battle on its own ground when it falsifies or lies away facts. The chances of factual truth surviving the onslaught of power are very slim indeed; it is always in danger of being maneuvered out of the world not only for a time but, potentially, forever. Facts and events are infinitely more fragile things than axioms, discoveries, theories – even the most wildly speculative ones – produced by the human mind; they occur in the field of the ever-changing affairs of men, in whose flux there is nothing more permanent than the admittedly relative permanence of the human mind’s structure." -- Hannah Arendt, Truth and Politics
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