snails with the beard - Day

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Material culture of psychoanalysis.

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Jaunākajā The Lancet izdevumā ir neliels raksts par Ķīnas nespēju izpildīt PVO tabakas izstrādājumu marķēšanas prasības un kopumā veicināt vispārēju tabakas lietošanas ierobežošanu. Kā izrādās, iemesls tam ir gandrīz politiski triviāls, proti "the serious conflict of interest presented by the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, a government agency responsible for maintaining country's tobacco industry and also responsible for leading national tobacco control efforts [...] The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration is not only a governmental agency with major vested interests to support tobacco industry, it is also one of the key members of the interministerial coordinating group on FCTC* to lead the development and formulation of tobacco control policy in China."

*WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)

The integration of government administrative power with strong financial resources into tobacco industry has completely transformed China's tobacco industry. Tobacco production has increased from 1 789 billion units in 2003, when China signed the WHO FCTC, to 2516 billion units in 2012, an annual increase rate about 3—6%

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