snails with the beard - Day

Sunday, April 27, 2014


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11:22AM - epitome

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"To the extent that risk is experienced as omnipresent, there are only three possible reactions: denial, apathy or transformation. The first is largely inscribed in modern culture, the second resembles post-modern nihilism, the third is the ‘cosmopolitan moment’ of world risk society [...] How to live in the shadow of global risks? How to live, when old certainties are shattered or are now revealed as lies? Arendt’s answer anticipates the irony of risk. The expectation of the unexpected requires that the self-evident is no longer taken as self-evident. The shock of danger is a call for a new beginning. Where there is a new beginning, action is possible. Human beings enter into relations across borders. This common activity by strangers across borders means freedom. All freedom is contained in this ability to begin." - Beck U., Living in the world risk society

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"Vispārējais aizliegums nozīmētu, ka līdz šim esošais princips «viss, kas nav aizliegts, ir atļauts» vairs nestrādātu, bet gan tiktu mainīts, nosakot, ka viss, kas nav atļauts, ir aizliegts. Tādējādi kārtībsargājošajām iestādēm vairs nevajadzētu papildu laiku ekspertīzes noteikšanai un vielas sastāva noskaidrošanai pirms kriminālprocesa uzsākšanas." - te raksta

"Viss, kas nav atļauts, ir aizliegts! Viss, kas nav atļauts, ir aizliegts!" Labs sauklis vēl vienai kustībai. Ar lāpām.

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