Itāļu fotogrāfs Garbiels Galimberti (Gabriele Galimberti) pusotra gada garumā apceļoja pasauli un piedāvā fotoprojektu Rotaļlietu Stāsti. Tā ir fotogrāfiju sērija ar bērniem no dažādām pasaules malām un viņu mīļākajām rotaļlietām.
Visiem bērniem kopīga ir vēlme rotaļāties, bet to raksturo kulturāla dažādība veidos, kā tas notiek. Tāpat Galimberti novēroja, ka pārticīgākās valstīs bērni izrāda lielāku īpašnieciskumu pār savām rotaļlietām un ir vajadzīgs ilgāks laiks, lai viņi atļautu ar tām spēlēties, savukārt nabadzīgākās valstīs, lai gan rotaļlietas pieder mazāk, iesaistīties kopīgā spēlē ar tām ir daudz vieglāk.
Tāpat rotaļlietas atspoguļo vidi, kādā bērns aug, ģimenes sociālo statusu, audzināšanas tradīcijas un ikdienu.
1895. gada 22. martā brāļi Lumjēri privātai auditorijai uzrīkoja pirmo kinoseansu.
This first screening on March 22, 1895 took
place in Paris, at the "Society for the Development of the National
Industry", in front of an audience of 200 people [...] The main focus of
this conference by Louis Lumière were the recent developments in the
photograph industry, mainly the research on polychromy (color
photography). It was much to Lumière's surprise that the moving
black-and-white images retained more attention than the colored stills
"There is no God that has existence apart from people's thoughts of God. There is certainly no Being that can simply suspend the (nomological) laws of the universe in order to satisfy our personal or collective yearnings and whims — like a stage director called on to change and improve a play. But there is a mental (cognitive and emotional) process common to science and religion of suspending belief in what you see and take for obvious fact. Humans have a mental compulsion — perhaps a by-product of the evolution of a hyper-sensitive reasoning device to serve our passions — to situate and understand the present state of mundane affairs within an indefinitely extendable and overarching system of relations between hitherto unconnected elements. In any event, what drives humanity forward in history is this quest for non-apparent truth." - Scott Atran
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