Modernitātes diskurss gan ir ievērojami paplašinājies kopš 50-tajiem, kad Vīners publicēja šīs trāpīgās pārdomas:
"What many of us fail to realize is that the last four
hundred years are a highly special period in the history
of the world. The pace at which changes during these
years have taken place is unexampled in earlier history,
as is the very nature of these changes. This is
partly the result of increased communication, but also
of an increased mastery over nature which, on a limited
planet like the earth, may prove in the long run to be
an increased slavery to nature. For the more we get
out of the world the less we leave, and in the long run
we shall have to pay our debts at a time that may be
very inconvenient for our own survival.
( tālāk )
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