Kad vairs nav palicis "pajāt" Tevī - July 27th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 27th, 2011

[Jul. 27th, 2011|01:07 am]
[music |Alice In Chains - Rain me when I die]

Is she ready to know my frustration?
What she slippin' inside, slow castration
I'm a riddle so strong, you can't break me
Did she come here to try, try to take me

Did she call my name?
I think it's gonna rain
When I die

Was it something I said, held against me?
Ain't no life on the run, slowly climbing
Caught in ice so she stares, stares at nothing
I can help her but won't, now she hates me

Did she call my name?
I think it's gonna rain
When I die

She won't let me hide
She don't want me to cry

Will she keep on the ground, trying to ground me
Slowly forgive my lie, lying to save me
Could she love me again, or will she hate me
Probably not, I know why, can't explain me

Did she call my name?
I think it's gonna rain
When I die

Šī Dziesma taču ir tik skaista...

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