Thu, Oct. 26th, 2023, 06:58 pm
You knew damned well

"I have long said: If Israel didn’t exist, we would have to invent it." - Joseph Robinette B.

"..while U.S. officials regularly denounced violence and no doubt feared it, there was an increasing sense that the balance of power had shifted in a way that held out new possibilities advantageous to Washington. First, there was a reassessment of military forces in the field with a clear understanding of where superiority rested. The myth of a David versus Goliath in the struggle over Palestine was put to rest. In short, "the demonstration of Israel's devastatingly effective military strength," as Avi Shlaim has written, "increased American admiration for Israel and underscored her value as a potential ally."

"..Israel has been assigned the role of a kind of watchdog." In that capacity, if the "Western powers will at some time prefer, for one reason or another, to shut their eyes, Israel can be relied upon to punish properly one or several of its neighboring states whose lack of manners towards the West has gone beyond permissible limits."47

Washington could not have disagreed. The U.S. Defense Department recognized Israel's potential in the protection of U.S. oil interests, and both State and Defense Department officials understood that such protection ultimately rested on the curtailment of those "whose lack of manners towards the West has gone beyond permissible limits." And this, as a result of 1948."
