Fri, May. 28th, 2021, 10:53 am

I agree with you 100% about the loss of empathy and emotional intelligence on display when we communicate online - it is why I am not on FB, Twitter etc. Ciba, nu tas it mans vajums :)

But, but, this is where we are. From what I see, there will be very little support from the vaccinated for the rights of the unvaccinated. Most vaccinated people will be passive. They won't be sounding off on delfi; and in the real world, in which we ignore the regulations as much as possible, they won't police the restrictions. However, in any part of life that is regulated the unvaccinated will be discriminated against. It will become, simply, the new normal, and most of the vaccinated will accept their freedom from these restrictions as a little privilege that they have earned.

I expect the restrictions to become ever tighter, by the way. Step-by-step as it were.

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