Thu, May. 27th, 2021, 10:58 am

Domāju, ka daudzi cilvēki, kuri skeptiski skatās uz šīm vakcīām māk labot tekošo podu - pat es to māku :))

About the future plans of our masters, well, we can only speculate. Here is just one possibility:

I suspect that the slavery they would want to impose will be based on fear and insecurity. For example, the jabs concentrate on that part of the virus genome that is most likely to mutate (as opposed to T-cell immunity). Therefore, the vaccinated will be dependent on new boosters to ensure their survival with every notable variant of concern. Once you cede your bodily integrity to either survive the new variants and/or participate in society, they can do what they want with you - regardless of your plumbing skills.

The fate of the unjabbed, I suspect - in the worst case - will be to be scapegoated for the new variants and effectively barred from society, probably then to be "dealt with". It would explain why there is such a drive to get everyone jabbed (even the young). If there is a civil war, they will need - at least in the short term - the majority on their side.

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