Sat, Oct. 31st, 2020, 08:21 pm

“A growing number of otherwise healthy people are developing lifethreatening staph infections because of mask wearing.”

.. there can arise the risk of a dangerous level of foreign material
entering lung tissue. Furthermore, worn masks can only either lose these particles to lodge in the lungs
of the wearer, or they would accumulate during use, to the burden (both biological and debris) of nonmask material carried on the inside of the mask.


Asymptomatic PCR positive patients have only small noninfectious fragments of virus, similar to a vaccine. They appear to be spreading immunity not disease. Why quarantine a walking vaccine??


For the first time in .. history, fear is no longer seen as an emotion to overcome, like jealousy or greed, but rather as one to embrace. We should be proud to be afraid, we are told, and we should call out anyone who isn't. In fact, any act of courage must be condemned as immoral as well as illegal.
_____________ Dr.Richard Urso MD