septiņjūdžu zābaks' Journal
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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

    Time Event
    on the ground, where used to grow the old apple tree (children were climbing in the summer and filling pockets with apples in the fall) now were lying just two fresh graves of pets, one of them was with a boston terrier picture, other with small yellow rain lily
    when i close my eyes, i see lots of gray and gray-ish-ly pastel-ish yellow. also something broken, little bit of pastel-green. reminds me of some surreal painting . i dont know what this means
    i could scream how much i love coffee
    Ma Beshbaa Mennek
    mah thortehsh habaa egedeen
    sukjiih biith
    hahna musha ehnet maniih
    i don’t know what most of my posts mean actually
    but i love the feeling when i can say something with my spine only

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