21:02Just when you think, you got me figured outThe season's already changing I think it's cool, you do what you do And don't try to save me Tā, drīz atkal iestāsies tā fāze, kad miega pietrūkst un Kristīne atkal varēs darīt visu... Tikai tagad gribās ielīst gultiņā... varbūt tomēr sevi palutināt?... Par to maksāšu rīt.. Bet vispār i've got the look (...) [20:12:39] wildflower says: tie būtu mani ļaunie plāni... [20:12:42] Disidente says: death walks on high heels... [20:12:45] Disidente says: hell yeah [20:13:03] wildflower says: you've got it ;) |