: who's that girl?

> Jaunākais
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> the cut
> fashion telegraph
> more life

Augusts 7., 2011

13:15 - : snake dress

kā gribētu tādu.

(cup of coffee?)

Marts 16., 2010

10:08 - : quoting, quoting, 123
We don't all want to dress like soldiers, wearing the same uniform for the same price. There is a viewpoint that people should play safe because they can't afford to frighten their customer but, in fact, the opposite is true. You have to push forward and realise the power of fantasy and escapism. I remember when I first started out, I used to walk past what was then Valentino in Bond Street and just look in amazement at the way the clothes were finished. I was working in Savile Row then, it was about 1986, and it was miraculous, so inspiring. I have always wanted to create pieces that are unique and that have emotional content, pieces that can be handed down, like an heirloom. I want people to get joy out of my clothes.

(4 with milk | cup of coffee?)

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