Decembris 24., 2009
21:47 - : ruth la ferla/the new york times/damsel in distress there is so much appeal in imperfection.
Decembris 22., 2009
18:39 - : leveli "I'm a level 5 vegan, I won't eat anything that casts a shadow."
Decembris 17., 2009
17:24 - : what?! A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
(c)Groucho Marx
Novembris 26., 2009
16:02 - : draugi runā dodiet mums atpakaļ vecās galerijas! ja ir vēl kāds, kam nepatīk jaunās, tad spiediet "IETEIKT DRAUDIEM"!
Novembris 7., 2009
22:48 - : badge if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.
Novembris 4., 2009
13:58 styles began on the street, among a core group of working-class youths who were obsessively concerned with issues of personal style. youth culture was based on music and fashion, sex and drugs. (c) valērija stīla
un tas, patiesībā, izskaidro visu. drugs? not so popular among fashionistas. music? lady gaga un notetovējušies, dimantiem izrotāti nēģeri (un tie, kas tādi nav, nav populāri un savu personisko stilu slēpj aiz animētiem youtube video un monitoriem). fashion? lieli brendi un slavenības. sex? tas vairs nav nekas jauns.
Novembris 3., 2009
Novembris 2., 2009
23:05 - : nero hidden talent counts for nothing.
Oktobris 28., 2009
22:39 whoever said that "wisdom is a result of life experience" was a moron.
Oktobris 10., 2009
22:33 - : cinemablend.com Disney just purchased Marvel for something in the neighbourhood of 11 jillion dollars. How do they come up with that much money if they aren’t some sort of meth dealer? They go into their special “vault” and re-release an old-timey movie like, oh, I dunno, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for what must be the 38th time. This time they call it a “Diamond Edition” (since they already did a “Platinum Edition” a few years ago) and they do the whole Blu-ray, HD, digital-restoration thing and add a bunch of new extras, plus a few recycled gems. The most annoying thing is that it all works like a charm. This is a great release…dammit.
Septembris 21., 2009
11:12 - : independent.co.uk ir neatkārtojami! It's no myth that everyone in fashion wears black - the fashion pack like to look sombre while they celebrate. It's just the cool way.
Taylor Momsen, who jetted in for the Unique show yesterday, told The Independent fashion desk over Twitter that "London Fashion Week rocks!" She added a smiley, but she's only 16 and she'll soon learn that everyone frowns. Apart from at the shows, when they pout.
Septembris 20., 2009
23:10 meals are excuses to socialize.
Septembris 18., 2009
09:41 - : veselīga pašapziņa I have the opposite of anorexia. I look in the mirror and I think I look great ... I was like, 'What's going on?' I took another suit out and it didn't fit either. Honestly, what I thought was that somehow [George] Clooney had gotten in and paid somebody to slightly hem [the suits].
My wife said to me, 'Could it be that maybe you've put on some weight?' I'm like, 'That's absurd! I look fantastic!'"
—Matt Damon
Septembris 16., 2009
14:17 There are three ways a man can be ruined: women, gambling, and farming. My father chose the most boring.
-Pope John XXIII
Septembris 11., 2009
11:55 - : cheri "i can't criticize his character, mainly because he doesn't seem to have one!"
Septembris 8., 2009
21:44 - : the international the difference between life and fiction - fiction has to make sense.
(c) fictional character
Septembris 4., 2009
21:49 - : the return of the king certainty of death,
small chance of success,
what are we waiting for!?
tas, runājot par mīļākajiem aizmirstajiem citātiem.
Augusts 31., 2009
21:45 - : true blood - i just think you've had everything too easy. - when have i ever had anything, that was easy?! - [..] and yeah, women do just throw themselves at you! you don't even have to do anything! - well, actually, i do. i work out like a motherfucker and i watch a lot of porn to learn stuff!
Augusts 28., 2009
17:51 - : royal pains spirits calm the spirits.
Augusts 26., 2009
23:00 - : hmm ārprāts izrādījās neticami laipns.
Augusts 25., 2009
12:54 - : no intervijas ar anna paquin On Going Blonde for Sookie: “I don’t look like a Barbie doll, and probably never will. People are incredibly literal in how they view you. You have dark hair and pale skin? You must be brooding. The second you dye your hair blonde and get a spray tan, people treat you as if you’re a bit stupider and happier. Suddenly, it’s like you’re hot and sexy.”
Augusts 8., 2009
22:12 what really matters is what you like, not - what are you like books, films, records - these things matter call me shallow, it's the fucking truth.
(c) high fidelity
p.s. it think i'm gonna love that movie. no, i take my words back. I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
Jūlijs 31., 2009
10:21 - : no intervijas ar kādu žurnālistu iekš columbian journalism review sometimes you’ll hear a great story, right, and you’ll really want to believe it. but you have to check things out—the line in journalism is,
‘if your mother says she loves you, check it out.’
Jūlijs 29., 2009
23:48 "Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world, 'No, you move.' "
Jūlijs 15., 2009
Jūlijs 13., 2009
09:34 wall street journal raksta:"Couture shows are not staged for the purpose of making money off those clothes. The benefit of a couture show is its worldwide marketing power, which helps sell things like sunglasses and handbags to aspirational and wealthy consumers. Those sales are the meat and potatoes of a fashion house. The money brought in from the actual couture collection is just the gravy — and maybe not even the gravy, but the truffle oil in the gravy — on top."
nuja, un kristians lakruā ir bankrotējis tam par pierādījumu.
Jūlijs 9., 2009
11:49 look. listen. choose. act.
Jūlijs 5., 2009
22:53 - : watchmen - those were great times, rorschach. what happened? - you quit.
Jūlijs 4., 2009
Jūlijs 3., 2009
18:02 - : master and commander: the far side of the world kapteinis uzsauc tostu: to wives and sweethearts! komanda: to wives and sweethearts! kapteinis: and may they never meet!
Jūnijs 14., 2009
15:32 - : par speismūvijiem The serious space movie is one
of the most limited genres around, with virtually the entire ground
having been covered by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001:A Space Odyssey”. The rest being taken up by Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris and Ridley Scott’s Alien. You get pretty much what you expect each time out:
1. The loneliness of space travel.
2. A pleasant but suddenly disobedient talking computer
3. A technical malfunction that threatens the lives of the spacemen followed by a tense spacewalk to repair the damaged ship
4. The tragic death of one of the protagonists who sacrifices his or
herself for the greater good of their colleagues and/or humanity itself.
5. Cabin fever tension between the shipmates courtesy of Jean-Paul Sartre
6. A touch of the spiritual in probing that which “man-was-not-meant-to-know”
Maijs 26., 2009
20:33 - : bsg there's one thing we know about humans - they're masters of self-destruction.
Maijs 21., 2009
08:23 - : krājbanka "Laipni lūdzam Online bankā! Šis laikmetīgais un ērtais pakalpojums jebkurā vietā pasaulē ļaus Jūsu darba dienu patīkami optimizēt, tādējādi daudz vairāk laika atlicinot gan lietišķām pusdienām, gan sarunām ar kolēģiem, gan arī ģimenei, kura aizvien retāk manīs periodisko maksājumu kvītis."
Maijs 20., 2009
12:04 - : times online "Text messages: handy for conveying small bits of information and a bit of light flirtation, useless for carrying on a substantive conversation, and rubbish for expressing anything subtle."
Maijs 17., 2009
19:41 - : profit when you want someone to love you - open your heart. when you want someone obsessed with you - close it.
Maijs 11., 2009
Maijs 2., 2009
22:00 - : fringe beneath every cynic there's a frustrated romantic.
Aprīlis 24., 2009
Aprīlis 9., 2009
09:28 - : lost and found and we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once, - saka nīče, mans zēns, un šoreiz es viņam no sirds piekrītu.
Aprīlis 6., 2009
20:44 - : the big sleep Vivian: You go too far, Marlowe.
Marlowe: Those are harsh words to throw at a man, especially when he's walking out of your bedroom.
Marts 26., 2009
09:17 - : a. a. milne Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
Marts 11., 2009
10:07 - : blood ties - i think i'll deal with this the same way i deal with everything that's complicated in my life - i'll just avoid it untill it goes away. - and that works for you? - oh, yeah - job, friends, love - my decks are clear!
Februāris 9., 2009
22:04 - : the mentalist - men are like toasters ( , ) and women... like accordion.
22:00 - : the mentalist - but.. love is crazy, right? - no. you should seek psychiatrist's help.
Janvāris 19., 2009
09:55 - : lilly tomlin i can handle reality in small doses. as a lifestyle it's much too confining.
09:35 - : bertrand russel the whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
ar to citēšanu, iespējams, nav tā, kā tu domā (atkarīgs no tā, kā tu domā).
Janvāris 13., 2009
09:52 - : vogue raksta: kāpēc tā veselības policija vienmēr mēģina nostāties starp mani un manām pidžamām? es nevaru atvērt avīzi, noskatīties tv šovu, aiziet uz trenažīeru zāli vai arī paķert veikalā kādu uzkodu bez informācijas par to, ka man draud nāve, depresija vai diabēts. dažreiz man tā pļauka ir nepieciešama - "slikta meitene! tajā kūciņā bija 645 kalorijas!" citās dienās tie padomi mani vienkārši sit ārā no līdzsvara. ēd mazāk, lēkā apkārt vairāk, pabeidz to sudoku, neaizmirsti zobu diegu, - jēziņ, man taču pietiek ar īstajiem vecākiem!