: who's that girl? - Komentāri

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> the cut
> fashion telegraph
> more life

Marts 30., 2007

[info]f16:17 - questioning.
"In relationships, what are the deal breakers?"
"Can women have sex like men?"
"Exactly how powerful is beauty?"
"Are men in their twenties the new designer drug?"
"No matter how hard we look, do we ever see ourselves clearly?"
"How many of us are having sex with people we are ashamed to introduce to our friends?"
"In a city like New York, with infinite possibilities, has monogamy become too much to expect?"
"In a city of great expectations, is it time to settle for what you can get?"
"How often is normal?"
"In relationships, what are the deal breakers?"
"Is timing everything?"
"Can we have it all?"
"When you crawl in bed with someone, is sex ever safe?"
"In a relationship, is honesty really the best policy?"
"Is there such a thing as relationship karma?"
"Can you ever really forgive if you can't forget?"
"To be in a couple, do you have to put your single self on a shelf?"
"Do we really want these things, or are we just programmed?"
"How much does a father-figure figure?"
"Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?"
"Can you be friends with an ex?"
"If we know the house always wins, why gamble?"
"Should you judge a book by its cover?"
"Why does one - minus a plus one - always feels like it adds up to zero?"
"When it comes to life and love… Why do we always believe our worst reviews?"
"Is a relationship a relationship without the zsa-zsa-zou?"
"Are the men of today less threatened by a woman's power or are they just acting?"
"Do we need distance to get close?"
"Do we search for 'lessons' to lessen the pain?"
"When did it stop being fun and start being scary?"
"When did we stop being free to be you and me?"
"Just how dangerous is an open heart?"
"When will waiting for the one… be done?"
"Can even the hottest relationship stop cold?"
"Is it time to stop questioning?"

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