: who's that girl? - Komentāri

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Marts 8., 2007

(Anonymous)06:25 - REports
Dear Sir/Madam regarded as owner this site

We had recieved reports of repeated abuse of your blog. As safety of average online bloggers is very important to us, as we are here to inform you that this blogger with these [sic...] aliased ip addresses have been monitored and addmited by major votes illegal. If you would like to press charges, or/and find this action illegal within your country please contact us immediatly.

We are here to impose freedom of speech, what is our main goal in our society and online domain whatsoever.

Within regret of our institution, mostly he or she used IP addresses from within United Kingdom, therefor he or she is held responsibe in front of Her Royal Majesty Queen of Elizabeth II for abuse made. As we did blocked these IP addresses he or she shall not be able to abuse online freedom since this applies.

If you have any inquiries , please use mail address dispatched in within our previous corespondence.

Please feel free to contact us by using your assigned PIN number at:
Non-Emergency Crime and Hate Crime / Incident Report site

Please do net replay to this mail as this is computer generated.

Best regards
Chief Online Officer
Michael O Leary

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