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Janvāris 17., 2007

[info]f19:38 - questioning. questioning the point. a point. a question

if you have a question, but can't find the answer,
maybe the question you have is not the right one?

maybe it's not about the question whatsoever?
maybe it's not about the answer?

what if the point isn't in the answer and what if the point isn't about the answer,
and what if the point is in the question, about it or - both?

what if the question is the answer?
   i. question itself is the answer you were searching for (have you tried looking for the answer instead of searching for it, e.g., have you ever used your eyes & vision during the searching process?)
   ii. it's all about the question and the answer as an answer doesn't exist
   iii. could the answer to the question be found in the question itself? what if the right question  really reveals (or leads to) the answer? one will be able to sort that out only when he gets there, wouldn't he? or, maybe vice versa - one will get there only when he sorts that out, won't he? patience.

what if the point is the question itself and not in the answer itself?
what if the point is the link between the two?
what if the point is in the process of searching, questioning & answering, looking etc.?
what if the point is the process itself?
what if the point of the issue is as simple as the point in time & space?
what if the point of the issue is a union between three  substances
   i. the question,
   ii. the process,
   iii. the answer?
what if the point does not exist just like that?
what if the point is pointless?
what if the point is never pointless while it has at least one point to accompany it?
what if the point has a point forever?
what if the point does not exist just like that and one by itself because it simply has no such option?
what if the point never exists alone because it has no point (coordinates, for example) existing in a no time & no space "place/zone/area/dimension/plane"
what if the essence of the point's existence is imparted to it only when there are other points around?
what if that essence is imparted by other points?
or, what if the essence of the point is imparted to it by an interaction between a combination or no-combination-left-to-chance-combination because, for example, an object can be discovered only when there is another object (which can be a non-object) to whom it compare to?

can you touch what's untouchable?
can you see what's invisible?
can you hear what's silent?
can you taste what's tasteless?
can you see my feelings, hear the context (the context = the picture), read my eyes (eyes = vision), can you draw my feelings, can you read my thoughts?
read what is written instead of what is said, because you'll fail, - one cannot read what is not written :)

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