: who's that girl? - Komentāri

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Decembris 8., 2006

(Anonymous)20:31 - im quite well in hell
well in hell
slowly falling down da well
i'll tell yea what
feels pretty well

at least its hot there
in hell
and nobody will try ta
to give you free advice
or yell
or sell
in hell

and really like tis tobaco and alco smell
and tis hourly bell
oh baby... its so good in hell

why would i like to live in tis cell?
well cuz on earth my eyes swell
from nice people
and tis overrated venus spell

so i just get into my shell
and get the point that
the earth we live here and now
is hell

well, i got something else to tell
but i just gonna leave you wit ma farewell:

hellish luv makes me goin'


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